Main characteristics :

0.00 Euros
Checkout Show cart AÉRODROME DE HAGUENAU for Microsoft Flight Simulator  13.95 €

High resolution ground textures entirely retouched by hand.

Extremely detailed 3D modeling using high resolution textures.

Windsocks  are customized and animated.

Downloaded file size : 174 MB.

Space required: 464 MB.

Haguenau airfield is located about 35 km north of Strasbourg, in Alsace.

The airfield has a paved runway (1000 m x 18 m), a grass runway (880 m x 80 m) both oriented 03/21.

TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du CGI

Aérodrome de HAGUENAU  for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Aérodrome de HAGUENAU  for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Click to start the slideshow DiaposHAGUENAU pour MSFS
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